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  • Amy Bacon

Editing Tip No.1

I have been very dead on this blog lately... partially because of schoolwork but also because I've been working hard on editing/prepping a longer work for submission (aiming to be done this summer, wish me luck!). That being said, was no one going to tell me how helpful comments on Docs/Word were to the editing process or was I just supposed to find that out myself? Me: finds detail I want to fix that is connected to another detail later in the novella Also me: slaps comment down on both and now it takes me two seconds to reference them

I have no idea if this is something that everyone already knows and I just had to dork through it myself and figure it out, but yeah. comments. Give yourself comments while editing. Mark connected details. If you add a new detail, remind yourself to reference it earlier in the work. Give the work to your beta readers with comments filled with the questions you have about clarity/character development so it's easier for them to provide feedback. I have learned to love me some comments so there's my editing tip for the last *peeks at timestamps on blog posts * uh three months XD

And to everyone reading this, have a wonderful day!

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