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  • Amy Bacon

The Site is Live!!!!

Hello family and friends! If you are reading this you probably got one of the links for the website I sent out in a flurry of "ohmygoshIhaveawebsitenow". If you are not someone I know and you just found this... how XD (but I hope you enjoy your stay here!) Anyway, I'm excited to finally have a concrete place to promote my writing. A Hearty Thanks to everyone who has supported me on this writing journey... especially my parents and mi homie (you can thank her for the sketch of me on the homepage). Another Hearty Thanks to my writing group, Saint City Writers. Y'all are the best :>

I'll throw things up on this blog when I have ideas/brainrot so check in periodically. That's all for now... I hope everyone reading this has a wonderful day :D

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Stephanie Morris
Stephanie Morris
Nov 20, 2023

How exciting, Amy! Congratulations! I’ve enjoyed being introduced to you and your art. You write wonderfully. I’m looking forward to reading more!


Julia Nolin
Julia Nolin
Nov 17, 2023

Looks amazing! Can't wait for more! ˁ•ᴗ•ˀつ~☆

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